Morning Prayer - April 1, 2024

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...At the beginning of this day, I come to You now, completely surrendering all my plans, duties, desires, and dreams. I want only YOU to write this brand-new page of my life even as I go walk through each of my responsibilities. As I look to You in this moment, I know that You hold every detail in Your almighty hands. Today, I also continue to pray for those in war-torn areas of the world ________ (name the countries that the Holy Spirit speaks to Your heart). I pray for both sides of every conflict to experience Your salvation, many finding You in these moments of intense crisis. Now, I am ready for this day. In Your Superlative Name, I pray, King Jesus. Amen!

Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
My soul follows close behind You;
Your right hand upholds me.

Psalm 63:7-8